
Tag Archives: alb

Photographing from the top of the world: Mauna Kea

Besides traveling and photography, my passion is to climb volcanoes. I was pretty excited with my volcano lineup so far, amongst which Cotopaxi in Ecuador was ranking as number 1, being also the tallest I’ve ever climbed. But this year I topped it all off when I went on Mauna Kea, the tallest mountain in the…

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Beauty has a new name: Sisterhood

I had the pleasure recently to photograph two sisters who are just as beautiful on the outside as they are on the inside. To me, their beauty is timeless and it reminds me of a poem written by Keats: A thing of beauty is a joy for ever:  Its loveliness increases; it will never  Pass into…

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O raza de soare intr-un amurg bucurestean

Sedinta cu Ana a fost cea mai spontana dintre toate cele pe care le-am facut pana acum. Pur si simplu ne-am hotarat seara ca a doua zi vom face impreuna o sesiune foto la apus. Ne-am pus impreuna de acord asupra locatiei si a conceptului si a doua zi, pe o caldura toropitoare, eram pe baricade….

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Despre ingeri, fotografie si Ion Pilat

  “Trei ingeri zboara-n asfintit. Doi tac si unul a grait: – “E linistea atat de mare… Aud cum se deschide-o floare.” Trei ingeri zboara-n asfintit. Doi tac si unul a soptit: – “E linistea atat de sfanta… Aud cum stelele isi canta.” Trei ingeri zboara-n asfintit. Toti tac si unul s-a gandit: “Ce zgomote…

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